Jerome Baril, a 25 year veteran auctioneer, has developed an unparalleled reputation in the industry through his hard work, the veracity of his research, the strength of his documentation and more specifically, the quality of the team he has surrounded himself with. Your request will be fully answeredWhether for a legal assessment, accounting, or for resale, the Encans Baril team has developed excellent research and evaluation methods, even certified. This means for the banker, the buyer or the investor that they can be sure they will get a fair value on the merchandise sold and bought. Human touch, fast and efficientOnce you have filled out the evaluation application, we guarantee that a response will be sent within twenty-four hours to set-up a meeting to open a file or simply to answer your questions, legal or financial. At Encans Baril, we will advise you on the most effective way to cut to the chase and meet your needs. |
Evaluation request form |